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Proposals for Contributions to The Blackbox Magazine Issue 1 must be submitted electronically to before


to be determined

Online guidelines

Contributors can either accept the proposed interpretative point of view or react with new interpretations of the "call for shots".

All pictures must be shot on Film, which means no digital shots. Those shots must be at least 1800px on the longest edge, and saved 72dpi/ppi in resolution.

Every submission must include a title, the camera and film. A small text, story, descirption or poem can be included to accompany the shots.

D  Contributions must be written and send in English. We do not translate texts.

E  Contributors whose work is selected for publications in The Blackbox Magazine will be informed and will then collaborate with us in order to complete the preparation of the issue.

F  Include : Submission - "call for shot word" ; as subject of your e-mail.

Stories and Wanderlust guidelines

We’re always looking for the most interesting film photography works out there, so we would be thrilled to see what you’ve got. Send us at least 5 hi-res photos from your series, along with the title of your photo essay/series/project, a short write-up/description about you and your work, and your website/portfolio links.

A Put “Submission - Story” or  "Submission - Wanderlust"; as subject of your e-mail.


The Blackbox Magazine respects your rights and does not claim copyright for works you submit. You will retain full copyright for each picture.

In addition, your moral rights are respected. Whenever your work is published by The Blackbox Magazine you will be credited. Failure to publish a credit due to error or oversight shall not be deemed a breach of this condition. TBbM will seek to correct any errors or oversights when notified.

If an image is used as a cover to the magazine you are granting The Blackbox Magazine permission to use it for promotion on sites such as Facebook and to put the Blackbox logo on it. None of the photographs may be downloaded, stored, printed, manipulated, distributed, or used in any form without prior written permission from the copyright holder.


By submitting works you confirm that for each work submitted:

  • You alone are the author of your work and that it is your original work

  • You are the sole copyright holder,

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